
A couple of nights ago I had to capture a moment after my PiYo Live class.!! These two don’t care that I smell….they love the snuggles!

What’s crazy to ME is to think that had it not been for one scary-big decision a little over two years ago, I might still be missing out on these most important moments of my life. I was working full-time PLUS on-call anywhere from another 24-72 hours a week on top of that. When I was at home I was anxious, stressed, and well…..I didn’t enjoy life very much. With a 2 year old and another baby on the way, I knew something had to change.
After a final straw–and what I am sure was a sign from God surrounded by red blinking lights in the middle of the night–I quit my job, started working only two days a week at a wonderful hospital, and signed up with my friend to be a Beachbody coach.
My life, literally, will never be the same. I am surrounded by positive, encouraging, empowering people and what we get to do for “work” is not what I consider work. I get to help other people see how awesome they are and that they are capable of reaching their health and fitness goals, all while keeping myself accountable to my own goals.
The result?? I am happy, healthy, and get to spend my time on who and what matters the most to me.
If this interests you, let’s chat!!


My two main squeezes.

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